Miso Noodle Soup
The grey weather makes me want to eat something warm and comforting. When this is the case, soup is always the answer. Miso paste is a staple in my fridge; as a fermented food, it’s full of good bacteria for your gut and it’s so easy to use as a base for soups and stir-fries.
Along with the miso paste, lurking in the fridge was a small courgette, a few kale leaves and a head of pak choi, and in the cupboard, I had these fantastic black rice noodles I’ve been meaning to try out. Perfect miso noodle soup ingredients! The beauty of this soup is that you can add as many or as few ingredients as you like. You can jazz it up by adding tofu, mushrooms, chillies, and spring onions or keep it simple as I have done today, using what you have.

When I was little, I used to love my grandma’s chicken noodle soup. There’s something just so comforting about a noodle soup; and this one is so simple and quick, warming and delicious.
There are many varieties of noodles out there which you can experiment with so don’t feel that the wheat varieties are the only choice; rice or buckwheat noodles are my favourites.
The recipe I’m about to give you here is very basic and can be the base for much grander more exciting soups, but sometimes less is more, and simple is good.

1 small courgette chopped into 1cm thick pieces 1 head of pak choi a few kale stalks (you can also add ingredients of your choice, such as chillies, mushrooms, spring onions or tofu) black rice noodles (or noodles of your choice) 1 clove of garlic 2cm piece of fresh ginger 1tbsp miso paste water
Finely chop the garlic and ginger and add to a pan together with the chopped courgette and cover with water. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 min until the courgette is becoming soft, then add the miso paste and stir it in; add the noodles and pak choi and cook for a further 5-8 min. Finally, I added the kale leaves at the end for about 1 min. Top up with more boiling water as needed.


Daniela's 28-Day reset program and recipes are now available in book format and a course with step-by-step videos.